Sunday, March 03, 2013

Matzois Arzei haLevanoin - Free of Zionist Ingredients


This year, thanks to a special deal between the Admou"r meCreedmoor and his Hezbollah buddies, Creedmoor Mehadreck Mart is offering:

Matzois Arzei haLevanoin!
These matzois are made with Malaysian rubber-wood chips and enriched with real Lebanese cedar sawdust for a taste you'll never forget! The Admou"r obtained enough sawdust for over 10,000 pounds of matzo by exchanging it for 18,000 gallons of year-old galle.
They are gluten-free, wheat-free, lactose-free, taste-free and certified 100 percent indigestible. These matzos are under the kashrus supervision of the Creedmoorer Rabbinical Council and Moshe Aryeh Friedman, and they have earned the approval of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (B(D)S) movement as they use only 100 percent anti-Zionist ingredients.
Only a limited amount of Matzois Arzei haLevanoin are available this year, so order fast.
Price: 804.50 food stamps per pound. We accept Iranian rials at the daily rate of exchange, and for a limited time we will accept US dollars at the rate of $1.86 to the food stamp.

Available from:

Mehadreck Mart, Creedmoor
Moshe Aryeh Friedman, Antwerp
Elchonon Beck, London
Srool-Doovid Weiss, Monsey
Billy Mo Weberman - Williamsburgh
Otisville Commissary (Federal Kollel Grocery)
Solomon Dwrek- (Ess Dwek Deli - Moser Kosher Foods) - Cumberland FCI, Maryland

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