Monday, September 12, 2005

The Admou"r is in Lagos, Nigeria

The Admou"r sheyirfash is in Lagos, Nigeria, where he fiered tush and gave a three day seminar entitled: "Writing Advance Fee Letters for the Jewish Community." Some of these letters will be published here as soon as the Admou"r returns and sends them to me - if Haham Abacha and Rebbetzin Kargbo don't send them to me first.

Next Shabbos, the Admou"r will fier a very special tush in the Industrial Park on Kent Avenue in Williamsburgh, in which he will explain the solvent labeling system described below, as well as the kabbalistic significance of propane torches. There will be a melave malke, during which a raffle will be held for a grand prize of having the Admou"r torch the winner's place of business. Reservations can be made via the Creedmoorer switchboard 1-800-MES-HIGE.

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